Green Oak Lettuce

₹42.00 ₹51.00 -18% OFF



Green Oak Lettuce

₹42.00 ₹51.00 -18% OFF



Product Description

Incorporate Green Oak Lettuce into wraps, sandwiches, or as a bed for various toppings, offering a delicate crunch and vibrant green hue.

Enhance your dishes with neatly chopped Green Oak Lettuce as a visually appealing garnish, adding both freshness and a subtle flavor.
Lay Green Oak Lettuce as a base for light and refreshing appetizers, showcasing its crisp texture and mild taste.
Health Benefits:

Nutrient-Rich Goodness: Green Oak Lettuce is a nutritional powerhouse, providing vitamins A, C, and K for overall health and well-being.
Antioxidant Boost: The presence of antioxidants in Green Oak Lettuce supports a healthy body by combating oxidative stress.
Hydration Helper: With its high water content, Green Oak Lettuce contributes to hydration needs, keeping you refreshed.
Low-Calorie Delight: Enjoy Green Oak Lettuce guilt-free, as it is low in calories, making it an excellent choice for a light and nutritious addition to meals.

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